Welcome to our Early Years page. Here you will find copies of the Early Years Framework and the Curriculum Overview of topics that the children will be exploring.

What to expect: A Guide for Parents/Carers

This document explains the Early Years Foundation Stage to parents/carers and is helpful in helping you understand the development in Early Childhood

Development Matters

We use the statements within this document to help inform our planning for each half-term.

Curriculum Overview

An overview of the 7 areas of learning that we explore within EYFS as well as the Religious Education curriculum that we follow. 

Early Years Long Term Plan

These are the topics that we will cover in Nursery and Reception throughout the year.

Early learning Goals

At the end of Reception the children are assessed against the Early Learning Goals (ELG’S). These are a set of statements for each area of learning but do not form our curriculum.  All the activities the children taken part in throughout the year are taken into account when staff are completing the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile

Nursery Class page

Please click below to be taken to the Nursery Class Page where you will find information, photographs and half-termly planning.

Nursery Class Page

Reception Class Page

Please click below to be taken to the Reception Class Page where you will find information, photographs and half-termly planning.

Reception Class Page


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