Breakfast and after school club

Breakfast Club £4

Our breakfast club is available every school day from 7.45am – 8.45am.

Children will be served a healthy breakfast consisting of, cereal, toast, fruit and yoghurt.
Activities are provided for children until the school day begins, when staff accompany them to their classes.

After School Club £10

At our after-school club children are provided with a variety snacks, taking into consideration any dietary or cultural requirements.

After school club is open until 5.30pm.
Activities are provided for the children, including our outdoor environment and IT suite.

Both clubs are run by school employed staff.

If you would like to book a place in either of our clubs, you must complete a contract from the school office prior to starting.

Payments for both clubs must be made via the ParentAPP.
For any further information please email

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